Friday 24 June 2011

"Whatever doesn't really happen in life is what I'm interested in." - Joss Whedon

I used to think a blog was just a diary that you put online for the whole world to see. I couldn't see why people would want to read about other people's lives. People can be really dull. But in the last few years I've become surrounded by incredibly creative people. These people put the most incredible amount of effort into the smallest of things. For them it's not about putting their creativity on display for recognition or some sort of pat on the back. It's just something they do naturally because it's part of who they are.

By some sort of bizarre random life event that was triggered by me and a friend dancing around in a living room while being filmed on a mobile phone, I helped form a production company called Cheesemint Productions. It's a group made up of me and some friends and we make films. We've made several short films and a web-series called Unlocked. This is the most significant thing to happen me in my life so far. And it's a mixed bag of goodness. It's great because I get to make films! But it's difficult because I'm surrounded by these stupidly talented people...

Weird analogy time! I see my friend's talents as swords and they are the Master Swordsmen. They wield the swords with the greatest of ease, like it's an extension of their body. They're quick and nimble and are several strikes ahead.
My talent (if I have any) is more like a cricket bat and I'm like a small child. I can't really hold the bat properly and when I eventually manage to pick it up I kind of swing it around, hit a few things (some intentional, some not) and then it gets too heavy so I put it down and do something a bit easier.

So I've started this blog. I'm going to write about what I like. My thoughts and opinions on films, books, tv shows, games, comics, music... anything really. It can all go here. Because maybe if I'm putting pen to paper (or finger to key) more often maybe I'll be able to get my ideas down and make some films that I can be proud of. Because that's all I want to do.

And if you don't know much about Cheesemint already. Watch this video. It was put together by myself and gives a brief history of the group and our films.

Don't think I'm using this blog as an excuse not to actually write any films. I'm in the middle of writing one. It's called Entanglement. More on that soon.